- Office of Academic Affairs
- For Students
- Academic Outreach Programs
- Program Phases
Program Phases
Residency Training Phase
The residency training period is three years for family medicine, pediatrics and general internal medicine. Obstetrics/gynecology and combined medicine-pediatrics training is four years. There are also limited number of allowed spots for psychiatry, which is also a four-year program.
The MRPSP Scholar must enter a clinic-based practice (no hospitalists) in an approved rural or medically underserved Mississippi community of 15,000 or fewer residents located more than 20 miles from a medically served area within 90 days of the completion of residency training in one of these six specialties. Documentation of the practice site must be submitted to the MRPSP Board of Directors two months prior to the completion of residency training for approval.
While MRPSP Scholars are not required to complete residency in Mississippi, increased sensitivity to the importance of completing residency training within the state is supported by current research indicating a majority of physicians establish their practice within 100 miles of where they trained. We are "growing our own" primary care physicians.